Posts Tagged ‘life’


An amazing discovery to share!

February 10, 2009

We’ve been preparing for Ethan’s first swimming carnival over the last few weeks and the insights arising have been rather interesting…

I want to share something I discovered very recently, which is truly amazing, and which has completely changed the way I swim. It may not sound like a big deal, but it has it’s significance…

Elephant Swimming

Elephant Swimming

Can you imagine being 31 years old, terrified of the water… but learning to swim with ease, to the point of competing in an ocean swimming race – in only 10 days?

Tim Ferriss shares on this video how he overcame his struggles in the pool in such an astoundingly short period of time, and in a way that you can go to the pool after watching his five minute explanation and try it yourself.

He explained it so simply, I had to go and try it out straight away. I got to the end of the pool, turned around and swam back, and was shocked at how I was not puffed… at all! Very strange… it almost felt wrong! How did I get there so easily? I did it again and again, wondering how a change in technique could yield such stunning results.

I showed Ethan – this is where it became really fun.

Last week we were swimming and I finished a lap 5 seconds before him. He was not happy about that at all. Although I explained that I had 30+ years of swimming behind me, and he’s just starting out he told me he “couldn’t really imagine” being faster than me in a year or two. He insisted on only swimming backstroke (his, and my favourite) or the occasional breaststroke, because he was “rubbish” at freestyle, managing only 10 metres. After showing Ethan the short video of Tim Ferriss explaining this technique, he swam an entire lap without stopping, and the sheer delight (and no small amount of surprise) on his face was just priceless. His later comments to my mother were quite memorable too… “I usually swim a little bit and can hardly breathe, but now I swim a lap and it’s like I’ve just been sitting in a comfortable rocking chair!”

There’s so much I could share on this, and maybe later I will – but for now – enjoy this video and consider what can happen when you make small changes in the right direction.

To check out Tim’s blog with more detail and videos click here


Exciting possibilities!

July 29, 2008

As I write this I’m almost overwhelmed with a sense of wonder… I have been on a massive learning journey for the last 5 years or so (well, all of life is a learning journey) and I’m delighted to be launching this website with my incredible husband.

There are so many people in my world who I’m incredibly grateful for, and the list starts with Lyndon, who I’ve been married to for 14 years, and my truly wonderful parents. It continues with my wonderful friends, clients and colleagues, and the new connections I make each week!

Almost everyday I’m having inspiring conversations with people who are pushing the boundaries in their lives and achieving more than they’d previously thought possible, and one of the things I’m so excited about with this website is the opportunity to continue building a community of like minded people.  I can’t wait to introduce you to each other!!

We’ll soon be launching a forum so you can all chat and learn from each other, and running telecalls where I’ll be inviting people who are leaders in their fields, to share their tips and inspiring stories.

I love the way we can make a difference in each other’s lives, and make a significant difference in the world.

I am truly thankful to be where we are at now, and grateful that the journey continues.

To the journey!


Mothers Day

May 13, 2008

Mothers Day is a special one – there’s no way you’d be here except that you had a mum! I hope you had a fantastic weekend – I spent Saturday at a beautiful location on the outskirts of Orange at Mary Brell’s Women, Wine and Wisdom. I wrapped up the day with “Wisdom in Everyday Life” and we had a lot of fun with that and everyone left buzzing – which I think is the general idea of a girls day out!

Mothers Day was spent with my whole family, Mum was blown away with the gift we gave her – a digital photo frame so she can enjoy all her favourite pictures of her grandsons – and us too of course!

I thought I’d share something I wrote in 2007 for Regional Business Magazine – it was of course, for regional women, but no matter where you are girls, you are amazing, full of potential and most likely more gorgeous and talented than you realise. Please translate this into your own scenario and celebrate the life your mum gave you.

Please click here – tribute-to-country-women

Have a wonderful day!


Celebrating and learning

October 23, 2007

Last night I celebrated with a few local clients and friends – our accomplishments, learning and life in general.  Very exciting stuff…

Along with some drinks and snacks and “speed networking” with the focus on fun and the lovely things in life, we discussed the value of celebrating – from a scientific perspective! 

We are generally quite good at berating ourselves, but not so experienced when it comes to exploring our qualities, talents, abilities and all the little things we do well.

When we focus on these things, celebrate them and consider what can be learned, we create more of the same.  Basic brain science – not rocket science.  Focus on the good and you’ll hardwire that kind of thinking, causing you to continue to grow in that way.

One thing that I absolutely love about the coaching journey – for myself and my clients – is the way that observing and learning from our positive outcomes and achievements causes the inner confidence or self esteem to line up with the exterior show of confidence. This means you step into a new level of authenticity – with yourself and others – you know you’re not faking it anymore.  There’s nothing to prove – you’re comfortable with who you are whether things are going along swimmingly or if you’ve just stuffed up.

How exciting to be free of the expectations and opinions of others!  It’s not pride or arrogance, but an authentic, healthy self image.  What liberty!

Now that’s something to celebrate!   


Here it is world…

October 22, 2007

My first blog! 

I’ve been writing an article each month for the Regional Business Magazine for over a year now (will soon post articles here) and it’s time to introduce myself to the net-savvy world.

I’m passionate about empowering people to flourish in every area of life and make a difference in their world.  See my bio  So this blog will serve to inspire, enthuse, resource and encourage – as well as keeping you informed about the exciting things that go on in my world.