Posts Tagged ‘inspire’


100 Days of Gratitude – Day 93

September 27, 2009

I’m grateful for my facebook world, as I see the impact it has in the real world.
For example, my friend Teonie, is a facebook friend, who I connected with by a reconnection with a school friend.  We’ve discovered a lot of things in common, and she’s introduced me to a company she’s passionate about. It’s a company that pours their profits into fighting poverty.  They provided rickshaws for indian families so they can create an income, and orphanages, which is something I’m passionate about too.
I’ve just ordered my sample pack and poured over the inspiring website – check it out here.

It’s amazing how technology and the speed of change can bring challenges, but the opportunities are just amazing.  Teonie is just one of the beautiful people I’ve connected with through social media, and I love that the connections you can make online can have an incredible ripple effect elsewhere.


100 Days of Gratitude – Day 82

September 16, 2009

I’m grateful for the school my son attends.  I’m so thankful for the staff and school community who make the school what it is.  I just attended the School Association meeting and was delighted to hear all the progress since the last one I attended (Term One I believe). The school has been granted the maximum five years registration and accreditation with the Board of Studies.  This is a strong endorsement of the quality of the school, across all areas.  The new school website will be launched soon and many other exciting projects are taking place.

Kerrie Phipps & Warren MelvilleI’m grateful for the opportunity to go “behind the scenes” and see the commitment of those involved, and the level of skill and professionalism brought to the team.  I have seen this before in private schools where I’ve coached teachers individually and as a team on staff development days, and Dubbo Christian School which I’m involved in as a parent, absolutely excels in these areas too.

When Ethan began at the school I didn’t see myself being very involved, it being more “Lyndon’s thing” as he loves being there for the children to read to him, or going on excursions with the class.  I see now how I can be involved and tonight I actually agreed, wholeheartedly to join the development committee!  Lyndon’s wondering who it was who just came home from that meeting, but I know what it is to be in the right place at the right time, and contribute in the right way.

Ethan asked me on the way home today what I was grateful for, and we discussed a long list of things – he wanted me to blog about being grateful for our very reliable car, which I am of course – but I didn’t expect to be coming home from the meeting so inspired and grateful.  Fortunately I had my iPhone and asked someone to take a photo of the principal, Warren Melville and me after the meeting, so I could blog about tonight with a pic. I’m grateful that Warren has come to the school (I can’t remember how many years ago) from New Zealand, where I discovered tonight he published a book!  Can’t wait to see it.

I’m also grateful for a friends specific feedback on a final draft of my book.  It’s being organised for layout with photos and quotes etc, so it’s off to print very soon.

Thanks for sharing the journey of gratitude,

Love Kerrie


100 Days of Gratitude – Day 66

August 31, 2009

So grateful for a fabulous day with amazing difference-makers at the International Coach Federation Conference in Adelaide.  I had the great honour and privilege of leading a 3/4 day stream on creating a viable and inspiring coaching business.  The participants connected well with each other and found the whole event really useful and inspiring, which was my intention.  I debriefed on the day and had a lovely catch up with friend and colleague Lesley Schoer from Coffs Harbour, who was at the concurrent session in the next room during the day.  Being in facilitator/speaker mode, I completely forgot to get photos with anyone!

I’m grateful for the opportunity to speak at this event at the beautiful Adelaide Conference Centre, and to share the day with wonderful people.

I’m also grateful for a relatively early night!

Love Kerrie


100 Days of Gratitude – Day 55

August 20, 2009
Newtown Providores

Newtown Providores

There’s nothing like a lovely fruit tea and quiet time to sit and read… I’m grateful for a pot of “wild fruit tea” and a great chat with Peter at Newtown Providores, before getting lost in a very inspiring chapter of my new book!  I made a few edits, but mostly enjoyed the read.  I took a picture of the front door after I left, because it was then that I started thinking about how I love Dubbo, I love our businesses here.  This particular business is wonderful in that it’s so unique, they have amazing food, service and of course tea, and a spot to sit and think or chat.  I’ve spent many lovely hours here… (and met some great people too!)

In other news – my book (which is not related to this blog) profiles a number of successful regional entrepreneurs and of course, there’s only space to profile a small number of brilliant people, but it gives great examples of the possibilities in regional Australia, and the thinking of some of the achievers.

I have been asked a lot lately if my book has something to do with my 100 Days of Gratitude blog, so it might be useful to clarify.  The decision to blog about what I’m grateful for was not a business decision, it was an idea that occurred with a friend in a cafe as we discussed the value of writing what we’re grateful for.

Hope this has been interesting, and useful, although the original idea was just to share inspring and inspired thoughts, it’s the 100 Days of Gratitude that has taken over lately.  There will most likely be another 100 Days of something exciting (not revealing my idea just yet) and I appreciate that friends are sharing the journey.  (You don’t have to wait to see me downtown to comment though – share your thoughts below!
Cheering you on,

Love Kerrie


Here it is world…

October 22, 2007

My first blog! 

I’ve been writing an article each month for the Regional Business Magazine for over a year now (will soon post articles here) and it’s time to introduce myself to the net-savvy world.

I’m passionate about empowering people to flourish in every area of life and make a difference in their world.  See my bio  So this blog will serve to inspire, enthuse, resource and encourage – as well as keeping you informed about the exciting things that go on in my world.